J The Ripper Show #47!
Dedicated to Thor, PUA Hate Moderator who asked if a really ugly dude can really get laid based purely on learning pick up.
This episode will probably get me into trouble with my sponsors but I dont give a fuck anymore, seriously.
Enjoy, this is my favorite episode so far.
*How much can game really help if youre hopelessly ugly/fat/unattractive?
*Limitations of game, at what point is being too ugly gonna hold you back?
*3rd Degree Amputee Victims w/ good personalities?
*The truth about using gimmicks as a crutch until you discover yourself
*Why you dont really need to take a bootcamp
*The truth of Mehow's game explored
*JTR Makeout Technique revisited
*Mystery tries to fuck up my set doing sign language
*Fuck Formhandle and his stupid site
*Frank The Tanks Puppet Routine
*Kurse and Siren fuck me over for a 2 set "Orient Express" incident
*Even though I dont like Grandma or Zar what I think of thier game.
Hi, I think I know who you are. Yes of course, but right now Im doing the show alone as part of my new format. Since Ive been doing the show alone with no guru guests downloads have gone way up so I dont wanna fuck with the formula yet. In about 5 or so episodes I will likely start introducing guests again but for now just going solo. I heard you listened to my last show...what did you think?
I thought the show was pretty solid. I had it on while I was working, so I wasn't hanging on every word or anything.
Basically I just want to air my grievances.
There are 42 of them. Here is a sample:
1. Losers
2. Hippies
3. Soy milk
4. Grandpa
5. Family Guy
Obviously there's a lot more detail, but I don't want to give it all away
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are you barry?
Now thats what Im talking about. j, your honesty and candidness is refreshing and im kind of taken back. keep doing what youre doing. The bit about Mystery trying to amogle you was fucking funny man, especially where you tell the girl he says he's on tv to impress people HAHAHA!
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I don't have to be.
I'd like to hear some more about 3rd Degree Amputee Victims w/ good personalities and Frank The Tanks Puppet Routine.
There wasn't enough of either of those topics in last night's show.
Could you expand here?
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Of course you don't. You've had 46 episodes and a trillion mailouts to promote any scamboys who will conspire with you to rip off other guys. You've probably got everyone you're going to get by now, so now you're shifting to the anti-PUA movement and are no doubt going to start spamming the anti-PUA con artists like sinn, neil, ross, etc.
If you're really being honest, you should return all the money to the guys you helped scam.
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LOL are u serious? Have u never seen Clockwork Orange? Thats a picture of British actor Malcolm Mcdowell as Alex Delarge from the 1972 movie. I was him for Halloween like in the 9th grade tho.
Bart Simpson dressed up like him too on a Halloween episode in the early 90's.
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Then what does Jack look like?
Hey, that's Eric Stolz (sp.) from that movie with Cher, Mask. Are you trying to fool me?
Guyz, I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that I told some podcast turd I wanted to go on a podcast because I listened to it (
And thought it was "solid."
I was gonna air 42 grievances, including something about Grampa and soy milk.
...Actually I have grievances, but they number in the hundreds...No Podcast Can Contain ME!
Then said dude believed that I, avowed fan of Jesus and Mary Chain, Dead Kennedys, Pixies, et. al. had never in my life seen the movie A Clockwork Orange.
Anyway, I'm gonna head out now.
Aaron Sleazy just rolled up with Mike Long. We are going to Bed Bath and Beyond just to, you know, look around.
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dude, i just heard your show...
fucking amazing.
enough said
unlike the crap this thread is supposed to about
is hypnotica a regular guest?
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Met her before, and I know of a student who took a class with her, maybe I can interview him on his expereince on a future show.